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Vision of the University:

International Islami University of Science and Technology Bangladesh will aim at disseminating holistic and modern education, through our integrated system of learning and state of the art training method. The authority stresses production challenging Professionals, Planners, Designer, managers, leaders and active promising sound graduates who will be able to perform their duties properly through the knowledge gained through an integrated system of learning, through the sweet combination of modern-day demands subjects intertwined with Islami subjects (especially in the light of the Holy Quran & SihahSunnah). In addition to this, IIUSTB will follow a policy of continued Islami sessions of academic matters of curriculum in different branches of knowledge so that its students can imbibe and get Islami flavor everywhere. The fundamental spirit of Islam explained by our beloved Prophet as an effective guiding principle in discharging the day-to-day life and inculcating well-ordered theA Islami values about life and the nature of the university well-trained the minds of the future generation towards the better and right ways of thinking and discharging the responsibilities correctly. As a goal of IIUSTB is to provide well-trained, well-grounded, well-trained polished graduates endowed with qualities of reliability, honesty, sincerity, integrity and efficiency capable of contributing towards the socio-economic development and moral uplift of the country. This university will be a site of ideal learning and a center of excellence for career development with harmonious development of body, mind, and correct spiritual values. 

Mission of the University: 

The Mission of our University is to prepare future leaders, managers, and professionals who will gain knowledge challenge the suitable combination of the selected subjects of modern sciences and religious education with special care. The authority strives to mind religion and and andmodern graduates, citizens, and professionals equipped with self-reliance, self-confidence and versatility of skills and with ethical standards to meet the challenges of the contemporary legal the through university corporate world and to sow the seeds of economic, spiritual and promising cultural growth. The proposed and should design its courses of studies in such a way as to impart knowledge for inter-weaving the two streams of education of our   and modern education according to the demand of the day. The IIUSTB will expound the cultural background of the nation and side by side inculcate the Islami values about life and nature and the increase with a few to openings the mind of the new generation towards better way of life here and hereafter.state-of-the-art