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A gracious welcome to the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Department at IIUSTB. Almighty Allah Ta’ala has created us and the entire universe, guiding everything with perfect precision. Just as with every element of nature, we bear the responsibility to work diligently for our department, contributing to the greater good of humanity and aiding in the quest to understand the universe. We are part of a family that fosters strong bonds among students, faculty, officers, and staff, much like a global system. Our team is dedicated to working hard and striving for excellence, and we hope each of you will join us in making our department vibrant, innovative, and dynamic. Whether you’re a student, staff member, administrator, faculty, or well-wisher, your support and cooperation are invaluable to us. Within our department, our primary task is to sense and interpret the physical environment created by the Almighty, transforming this into vital data and information for further processing and utilization. To achieve this mission, we are proud to offer distinguished faculty members and state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with the latest technologies. We are committed to keeping our students updated with global technical innovations, fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment. The accomplishments of our graduates, who secure top positions in various esteemed public and private sectors, are a testament to the quality education they receive here. Many of our alumni have also pursued advanced studies in renowned institutions across the world, including Japan, Germany, and beyond. Join us at the EEE Department of IIUSTB, where we are dedicated to preparing you for a successful future. Experience the warmth of our community, devoted to nurturing your potential and guiding you toward success.


About EEE


The Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) stands as a cornerstone of the engineering field globally, embodying innovation, fundamental principles, and leadership. Here at IIUSTB we employ a diverse array of learning methods combined with the latest technologies to cultivate a vibrant and dynamic study environment. Our mission is to develop well-rounded citizens and technical professionals with a global outlook, prepared to actively contribute to international progress. Our department boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including modern laboratories such as the Electrical Circuit Lab, Machines Lab, Electronic Circuit Lab, Electrical and Electronic Workshop and Automation Lab, Simulation Lab, Electrical Measurement Lab, Digital Signal Processing Lab, VLSI Lab, and Power System Lab, Computer Lab among others. These labs ensure that our students gain comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge in electrical machinery, digital electronics, communication theories, and programming languages. We regularly update our curriculum to align with the ever-evolving demands of the modern world. Currently, our department is implementing Outcome-Based Education (OBE) techniques. Additionally, we organize various seminars, workshops, and training sessions at regular intervals to enhance the learning experience. In essence, our department is dedicated to providing quality education in electrical and electronic engineering, equipping our students to excel in today’s competitive world.


Click here to know about department of electrical and electronic engineering—IIUSTB





1. Nafiul Hasan, M. Aktar, M. M. Rana and M. A. Moni, "Machine Learning-based Biomedical Antenna for Brain
Tumor Detection," International Conference on Next-Generation Computing, IoT and Machine Learning
(NCIM), IEEE, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/NCIM59001.2023.10212805.

2. Nafiul Hasan, Md. Masud Rana, Md Mahmudul Hasan , Md. Ali Moni, “AI-Enhanced Biomedical Antennas for
2mm Brain Tumor Detection using Scattering, Admittance and Impedance Parameters: A comparative analysis”,
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development
(ICICT4SD), IEEE, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICICT4SD59951.2023.10303373

3. Nafiul Hasan, Md. Masud Rana, Md Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Ali Moni, “Development of Efficient Machine
Learning Model for Brain Tumor Classification”, Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research, SCOPUS, Q1
(Under Review)

4. Dil Afroz, Nafiul Hasan, “Emotion state analysis by using electroencephalogram”, 3rd International Conference
on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology 2022 (ICISET 2022), IEEE, DOI:

5. Md Mahmudul Hasan, Nafiul Hasan, Mohammed Saud A Alsubaie, Md Mostafizur Rahman Komol, “Diagnosis
of Tobacco Addiction using Medical Signal: An EEG-based Time-Frequency Domain Analysis Using Machine
Learning”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 842-849 (2021),
ISSN: 2415-6698, SCOPUS Indexed, Q3, DOI:

6. Md Mahmudul Hasan, Nafiul Hasan, Mohammed Saud A Alsubaie, “Development of an EEG Controlled
Wheelchair Using Color Stimuli: A Machine Learning Based Approach", Advances in Science, Technology and
Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 754-762 (2021), Scimago ,Q3, ISSN: 2415-6698, DOI:

7. M.M. Hasan, Nafiul Hasan, D. Afroz, F.A. Jibon, M.A. Hossen, M.S. Parvage, J.S. Aongkon
"Electroencephalogram Based Medical Biometrics using Machine Learning: Assessment of Different Color
Stimuli", Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 27-34 (2021),
Scimago,Q3, ISSN: 2415-6698, DOI: 10.25046/aj060304

8. Nafiul Hasan, Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Akramul Alim, “Design of EEG Based Wheel Chair by Using Color
Stimuli and Rhythm Analysis”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering
and Robotics Technology 2019 (ICASERT-2019), pp:1200-1203, 3-5 May, 2019, IEEE, SCOPUS, DOI:

9. Md.Mahmudul Hasan, Nafiul Hasan, Md. Mohaiminul Islam, Mahojabin Suhi, “Human Identification Based on
Color Stimuli”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics
Technology 2019 (ICASERT-2019) , pp:345-348, 3-5 May, 2019, IEEE, DOI:

10. Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Nafiul Hasan, Azizur Rahman, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, “Effect of Smoking in EEG
Pattern and Time-Frequency Domain Analysis for Smoker and Nonsmoker”, Proceedings of International
Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), 11-12
July, 2019, IEEE, DOI:

11. Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Nafiul Hasan, Md. Momtazur Rahman, “Observation of fuel cell technology and
photovoltaic system for rural telecom system in BD”. Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology
Journal, Volume 1, Issue 02, 2018.Page 71-78 (ISSN 2521-5256). Online link:

12. Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Momtazur Rahman, Nafiul Hasan, Md. Akramul Alim, Md. Mohaimenul Islam,
“Geothermal power generation possibility and geothermal sites in Bangladesh: A Review”. Bangladesh Army
University of Engineering & Technology Journal, Volume 01, Issue 01, 2017. Page 67 – 81. (ISSN 2521-5256).
Online Link:

13. Nafiul Hasan, Mohammad Ali Moni, “ Brain Tumor Detection”, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter
Summer Symposium 2023

14. Nafiul Hasan, Sarwar Hossain, “EEG based Diagnosis of Tobacco Addiction”, IEEE Computer Society
Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium 2023



EEE Course Plan



First Year 1st Semester
1 EEE 101 Electrical Circuits I
2 EEE 102 Electrical Circuits I
3 PHY 101 Physics I-Electricity and Magnetism
4 PHY 102 Physics Laboratory
5 ME 103 Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals
6 MATH 101 Differential and Integral Calculus
7 EEE 146 Engineering Drawing Sessional
8 ENG 101 English for Technical Communication


First Year 2nd Semester
1 EEE 105 Electrical Circuits II
2 EEE 106 Electrical Circuits II Sessional
3 PHY 103 Physics II-Optics, Modern Physics, Wave and Oscillation
4 PHY 104 Physics Sessional
5 CSE 101 Structured Programming Language
6 CSE 102 Structured Programming Language Sessional
7 MATH 102 Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations
8 HUM 102 Developing English Language Skill Sessional


Second Year 1st Semester
1 EEE 207 Electronic Circuits I
2 EEE 273 Electrical Machine I
3 CHE 205 Chemistry
4 CHE 206 Chemistry Sessional
5 MATH 203 Linear Algebra and Complex Variables
6 MATH 204 Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis
7 BANG 203 Emergence of Bangladesh


Second Year 2nd Semester
1 EEE 209 Electronic Circuits II
2 EEE 210 Electronic Circuits II Sessional
3 EEE 275 Electrical Machine II
4 EEE 276 Electrical Machine II Sessional
5 EEE 219 Signals and Linear System Analysis
6 EEE 217 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
7 MATH 205 Statistics and Probability
8 HUM 209 Engineering Professional Ethics


Third Year 1st Semester
1 EEE 331 Communication Theory I
2 EEE 332 Communication Theory Sessional
3 EEE 377 Electrical Services Design
4 EEE 313 Digital Electronics
5 EEE 314 Digital Electronics Sessional
6 EEE 311 Electrical Properties of Materials
7 MAT 306 Numerical Analysis
8 ACT 311 Financial and Managerial Accounting


Third Year 2nd Semester
1 EEE 329 Power System I
2 EEE 339 Industrial and Power Electronics
3 EEE 340 Industrial and Power Electronics Sessional
4 EEE 325 Microprocessor and Interfacing
5 EEE 326 Microprocessor and Interfacing Sessional
6 EEE 327 Digital Signal Processing
7 EEE 328 Digital Signal Processing Sessional
8 HUM 307 Industrial and Operations Management


Fourth Year 1st Semester
1 EEE 400 Project and Thesis
2 EEE 401 Capstone Project
3 EEE 491 Communication Theory II
4 EEE 445 Power System II
5 EEE 446 Power System II Sessional
6 EEE 493 Switchgear and Protection
EEE 494 Switchgear and Protection Sessional
7 EEE 433 Solid State Devices
8 EEE 4** Elective I


Fourth Year 2nd Semester
1 EEE 400 Project and Thesis
2 EEE 435 Control Systems Engineering
3 EEE 436 Control Systems Engineering Sessional
5 EEE 4** Elective II
6 EEE 4** Elective III
7 EEE 4** Elective IV
8 EEE 4** Elective IV Sessional


Total Credits: 157.5




Govt. Job Sector
Govt. power plant 
Electricity Distribution company BREB. DESCO, NESCO
CommunicationBTCL, SPARSO
Gas companyPetro Bangla
InnovationStart up




Private Power plant 
Asst. Engineer WALTON, Singer, Rangs
Mobile CompanySamsung, Nokia, Huawei
TelecommunicationGP, ROBI
Multinational CompanyBAT, Unilever
Pharmaceutical CompanySqaure, SKF, Renata
IC designUlkasemi, Neural semiconductor
Software FirmKazi, BJIT



Foreign Jobs:

Telecommunication (Ericson, Nokia, Huawei), Automotive (BMW, Audi, Tesla), Energy (Siemens, Wartsilla), Consumer Electronics (Samsung, Sony, LG), Aerospace (Boeing, Airbus, SpaceX), Tech Sector (Google, chip -IC Industry)



Higher Study Options:

Power Engineering: Renewable Energy, Power Systems

Control Systems: Automation, Robotics

Telecommunications: Signal Processing, Wireless Communication, Satellite Communication

Electronics: Microelectronics, Embedded Systems

Computer Engineering: Hardware, Software, Artificial Intelligence

Biomedical Engineering: Bioinformatics

Instrumentation: Sensor Technology

Signal Processing:  Image Processing

Electromagnetic Engineering: Antennas, Microwave

Nanotechnology: Nanofabrication



Permanent Campus at Baipail, Dhaka

Why should you enroll in EEE? Among engineering subjects, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) has the most extensive scope and application. Studying this subject opens up a world of opportunities for you. As an EEE graduate, you can become an exceptional computer engineer, a mobile or wireless communication engineer, an engineer at a power generation plant, an IT engineer in a bank or organization, and have the opportunity to join various government and private jobs both domestically and internationally on a priority basis.

There is hardly any industry that doesn't require a significant number of EEE engineers. Currently, a large portion of the job market in the country is dominated by EEE graduates, which is expected to grow with industrialization. The job market for EEE graduates is vast. Unlike other engineering fields that are confined to their specific areas, an EEE graduate can easily engage in jobs designated for CSE, ECE, ETE, and Nuclear Engineering. Therefore, EEE graduates are always considered qualified in the job market and are given priority in most jobs globally.

Every year, BPSC reserves a substantial number of posts exclusively for EEE graduates in government offices through the BCS examination. Studying this subject also facilitates pursuing higher education abroad more easily than other subjects. EEE is a field where graduates earn the highest salaries in the country. The highest-paying job sectors for EEE include Nuclear Power Plants, Power Development Board, Rural Electrification Board, DESCO, DPDC, DESA, PowerGrid Company, West Zone Power Distribution Company, Summit Power, Walton, Samsung, BCIC, BADC, Grameen Phone, Banglalink, Airtel, and numerous government and private power generation and distribution companies. Additionally, the Bangladesh Army, Air Force, and Navy have special posts for EEE graduates in various engineering corps.


Why should you study EEE at this university? As a non-commercial institution, IIUSTB offers the most affordable opportunity to study EEE among all private universities in Bangladesh. Established with the aim of spreading quality education at all levels rather than commercializing it, this institution ensures comprehensive lab facilities for EEE students, which are often lacking in most universities in Bangladesh. The university boasts fully equipped Circuit Lab, Electronics Lab, Digital Electronics Lab, DSP Lab, Programming Lab, and Electrical Machine Lab. We hope that this department becomes even more enriched with talented individuals like you.


Feel free to search jobs by “EEE/Electrical” / related keywords in / job portals to know about real job market.


Contact: 01329728381, 01329728375             Cost : 283000 BDT





ইইই বিষয় পরিচিতি

পদার্থ বিজ্ঞানের প্রায়োগিক শাখা ইলেকট্রিক্যাল এন্ড ইলেকট্রনিক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং যেখানে Power Engineering, Control System,
Communication, Electronics, Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Robotics,
Embedded System ইত্যাদি সম্পর্কে অধ্যয়ন করা হয়। ফলে উচ্চশিক্ষার ক্ষেত্রে ঊঊঊ থাকে ১ নং পছন্দ। যেহেতু ইইইতে অনেক
ধরণের বিষয় অধ্যয়ন করা হয়, সেহেতু বিদেশে উচ্চশিক্ষার গ্রহণের ক্ষেত্রে ইইই শিক্ষার্থীরা থাকে অগ্রগামী।

ইইই বিষয়ে স্নাতক ডিগ্রী সম্পন্ন করার পর একজন শিক্ষার্থী বিভিন্ন সরকারি বিদ্যুৎ উৎপাদন কেন্দ্র যেমন: নিউক্লিয়ার পাওয়ার প্লান্ট,
কাপ্তাই জলবিদ্যুৎ কেন্দ্র, বড় পুকুরিয়া তাপ বিদ্যুৎ কেন্দ্র ইত্যাদি; বিদ্যুৎ বিতরণ সংস্থা (বাংলাদেশ পল্লী বিদ্যুতায়ন বোর্ড, ঢাকা
ইলেকট্রিসিটি সাপ্লাই কোম্পানি ইত্যাদি); সরকারি কমিউনিকেশন সংস্থা যেমন বিটিসিএল, স্পারসো; গ্যাস কোম্পানি (পেট্রোবাংলা,
তিতাস), সহকারি প্রকৌশলী হিসেবে BCIC, BCSIR, BAERA, BCS general and technical ক্যাডার সরকারি পৃষ্টপোষকতা
প্রাপ্ত Start up কোম্পানি, সরকারি ব্যাংক, সরকারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে শিক্ষক হিসেবে প্রজাতন্ত্রের একজন গর্বিত কর্মকর্তা/প্রকৌশলী হতে

বেসরকারি চাকরীর বাজারে, সহকারি প্রকৌশলী হিসেবে Walton, Singer, Rangs এর মত স্বনামধন্য কোম্পানি, Samsung,
Huawei এর মতো মোবাইল ম্যানুফ্যাকচ্যারিং কোম্পানি, টেলিকমিউনিকেশন সেক্টরের GP, Robi, Banglalink; Square, Renata,
Beximco এর মত ওষুধ ম্যানুফ্যাকচ্যারিং কোম্পানি, Ulkasemi এর মত আই সি ডিজাইন কোম্পানি, সফটওয়্যার ফার্ম, বেসরকারি
ব্যাংক, বেসরকারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে শিক্ষকতার সুযোগ রয়েছে। বিদেশে Ericson, BMW, Wartsila, Samsung, Boeing, Google
এর মত প্রতিষ্ঠানে রয়েছে কাজের সুযোগ।

চারটি বিভাগের মধ্যে ইইই সবচেয়ে বেশী μেডিট তথা কোর্স সম্বলিত। মাত্র ২,৮৩,০০০/- টাকা ফি।

আইআইইউএসটিবিতে প্রতিষ্ঠিত ইইই বিভাগের ল্যাব সমূহ
১. ইলেকট্রিক্যাল সার্কিট ল্যাব
২. ইলেক্ট্রোনিক্স ল্যাব
৩. ডিজিটাল ইলেক্ট্রোনিক্স ল্যাব
৪. কমিউনিকেশন ল্যাব
৫. মাইক্রোপ্রোসেসর ল্যাব
৬. সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ড্রয়িং ল্যাব
৭. ইলেকট্রিক্যাল মেশিন ল্যাব
৮. কম্পিউটার অ্যান্ড সিমুলেশন ল্যাব
৯. ভিএলএসআই (IC Design) ল্যাব
১০. ফিজিক্স ল্যাব
১১. কেমিস্ট্রি ল্যাব


Phone: 01329728375, 01329728381


Permanent Campus : Baipail, Ashulia, Dhaka-1349 (about 0.5 km north from Baipail Bus Stand
& adjacent to the south side of EPZ)